Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Business of Advertising: The genocide of eggs.

First Class. Don Just. The room was silent on his entry. It was evident that we were promptly informed of his reputation as a man who taught tough love. His three piece suit, career resume, and attitude towards a room full of fresh-faced students kept the silence strong.

"Some of you will die trying to get into this industry. Some will die trying to get old in this industry." Point taken.

The syllabus and tone was crisp and efficient.

"There is no whining in advertising. Get ready." He said as he prepared his first lecture.

This is serious. This was nothing like undergrad, full of half listened lectures, late entries into rooms, and freebie first weeks to "get up to speed." According to Just, this would be the most important class we would take this year. Coming from a man with his list of accomplishments, I couldn't imagine to disagree.

However, after a little stare-down between the class and himself, the guns were lowered, the corral safe once more, the real lessons began, and our first lesson to Business of Advertising: The Infamous Egg Drop. Yes, the same one we did in 3rd grade. However the idea is to place people into large groups to teach us that egos need to be last in our worries, working efficiently together is the first lesson to this industry.

7 people, 2 egss, a couple of rubber bands, and a brown bag later, our group's egg was through. However the lesson was learned. This is serious business. But you can't make an omelet unless you break a few eggs.

Tomorrow Fenske.

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