Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Wall

Im Stuck. Not a little stuck. Alot Stuck.

That damn white sheet staring back at me laughing at me.

I have nothing. Nothing. Squadoochie.

Its due on Tuesday afternoon.

I wanted to use this as an opportunity to really show off my skills. Blow my expectations out of the water, and get a low hush out of the crowd. I'm not going to get it.

All I've learned is that I've got a long long way to go. I'm stuck in a weird place now. I can dream up the safe stuff. What I call "broadcast ready." It would be stuff any client would go "Yeah!" that's exactly what I wanted, and when I leave the room I bow my head knowing that it's shit.

I'm waiting for that moment where it all clicks. EUREKA!

I'm slowly learning it won't come unless I go get it. Tis school makes it so easy to do boring work that gets polite claps from people. I'm tired of people saying "OOH..that looks cool." when we all know it sucks. I want to move forward, I'm tired of my work, it sucks, and I need better, quickly.

Only 3 weeks until intern books are due. Fuck you blank page.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The wall sucks. But you'll get past it, and then you'll remember that great stuff comes from hitting the wall.