Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
A good tip on headlines.
This tip comes from one of the fine gentlemen at BBH London. He is a CD writer there and has a fantastic blog at Its full of great tips and stories from advertising. Great for us up and comers.
Here's a good quote I liked regarding how a headline should be used:
"In fact, many of the world’s best headline-writers are quite open about their secret weapon – a great art director.
With a really well art-directed headline, the idea and the execution are seamless. I like ideas where the headline is written in a place where type naturally occurs. Which means that your headline can be a photographed object - a visual element in its own right, which just happens to have type on it - rather than a boring old typeset headline."
Charles hall, a professor at VCU, is adamant about this point and so am I. Headlines by themselves make it an ad instead of an interesting communication. Sometimes plopping down a headline is easy and gets it out the door, but by taking a few hours you can turn it into something people will actually read.
Posted by
11:27 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dorky morky lorky review.
So today was my first real concept review with a CD. We have quite a contingent of swedish CDs here at BBH. You feel right at home. Well you would if youre norwegian like me or from Minnesota. But truth be told I was a little worried.
We were one of two teams. The other being an old Adcenter alum and a Creative Circus alum. our client was for NYC tourism and these guys have worked on the client for the last 6 months. We know how to talk to Don Just without shitting at the same time. So we sat down and listened to our competition lay out their case. Silent we stood listening. The CD gave comments, suggestions, tweaks. And then it was our turn.
We presented. Some clearly, some not so much. Some short some deep with logic. And at the end he looked at us and said in a thick Swedish accent. "I luke yur ideaas vury much." (insert swedish chef accent). I walked out beaming.
I had realized the important thing. We are just as good as the pros. Well not all the way but in this industry a cool idea from a youngin is just as good as anyone else no matter the pay or title. We walked out beaming even though our ideas were well beyond the 275K budget and not usable. Our competition grabbed us and said:
"Good job guys, youre gonna do fine."
Can't go better than that.
Tomorrow. Our GLBT conecpt presentation. (Thats Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans for the unknown.)
Posted by
10:13 PM
Labels: bbh, internships, presentations
Monday, June 23, 2008
I have worked my ass off.
I have gone to a photo shoot.
I have seen professional work.
I have seen a company party.
I have been bored for a week.
I have been swamped for a week.
I have worked with amazing people.
I have seen cool rewards.
I have respect for this industry.
I have learned the subway.
I have seen the world's capital.
I have not learned everything.
I have not learned enough to not go back.
I have not produced anything.
I have not missed Richmond.
I have not paid for more than one 12 dollar martini.
I want to keep going.
Its been a good two weeks. Alot of fun and a great look into the industry. Please send more.
Posted by
8:13 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My NYC :30 Subway Pitch
Can I have everyone's attention please!
My name is Jesse Bowen.
I was born into a middle class family, with little to a lot of hope.
I had 6 minus 5 siblings and rarely had 3rds for dinner.
I flunked out of engineering and switched to art.
I am currently 40,000 in debt to the government for student loans.
I have a job, but I do live in New York.
I cannot afford 12 dollar martinis.
I have been degraded to buying happy hour drinks and tall boys from bodegas.
I have even sunk so low as to buy Kraft mac and cheese again.
(Dramatic Pause)
Im not looking for a handout, just a little help to get me through the week.
Anything will help, except pennies, you can keep those.
Nickels and dimes for that matter too.
Do bars take nickels? Never mind....
Besides those I'll take anything.
I have zero children who need their daddies support.
Please save a man from eating mac and cheese with a tall boy.
God bless you.
Posted by
7:32 PM
Labels: nyc
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Where does the time go Mr. T?
We all wish we had more time to "pity the fool" and less time dealing with "jibba jabba" but in the end its all for not. Its busy here in NYC im finally getting busy and getting work produced. Im surprised how easy it can be in the real world. Instead of rewriting and doing layouts 10 times it usually goes through on the 2nd.
Its about mass production sometimes here in the real world, and not raw creativity. This is the exact reason people go back to Richmond and become lethargic. Agencies dont expect brillance. In the end its a business, and you forget that sometimes.
Posted by
9:19 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Font of the year!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Can't Beat the Real Thing.
So i realized with billions of web pages out there. There are only 25 i visit, and I visited them all today. We waited and shook hands and learned to bill clients and make expense reports, (bill it suckas), and in the end we didn't have a thing to do yet. Where would we land?
So hey do you guys want to work on a tag for us?
YEAH buddy!!
We furiously scribbled and pondered for their 8 am client meeting ready with the possibilities of stardom. I figured it would be a late night working out tags. That was until we were informed that they were due 45 mintues later for the CD to look at and craft.
Lesson learned. This isn't a large cement slab where infinite time exists. This is a world full of deadlines and compromises, rush jobs and stop gaps. Thats where the intens come in. YEAH!!!
Posted by
5:05 PM
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
New York the first day.
So its the first day here in NYC and its been overwhelming. This city is CRAZY!! Maybe its because ive been stuck in Richmond for 9 months but its cool to be around. So with all the events to do in this city what to do first? I present this:
Yes thats right I went and saw the Colbert Report. His guest was Pat Buchannan of all people who looked like the oldest man alive. It was amazing though!! You could tell he loved what he did, and loved his show.
He watched all the clips and laughed along. So thank you Mr. Colbert for welcoming me to my home away from home. More to come. Enjoy.
Posted by
10:07 PM
Labels: nyc, stephen colbert
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Amnesty International: Petition
Is it just me or has Amnesty Intl. been a great client to work on for the last year. There has been constant great work done for them, or is our world just going to hell faster?
TBWA Paris
Posted by
8:35 PM
Labels: amnesty, international, Paris, TBWA