Three levels of advice
Level One: Mark Roddy ECD of BBH NYC.
"I want people with big ideas. BIG ideas. Look at Droga five. Ideas like Tap Project and the phones for public school students in NYC. People at my level want those ideas and at times are a little afraid because they don't know where to get them from."Level Two: Paul Foulkes CD of BBH NYC.
"I have alot of friends who are creative directors who hire these kids out of Miami or Crispin and their book are filled with cool ambient and OOH, but they can't make a print ad for their lives. I want people who can do cool stuff we all do. You just have to remember 85% of the time I just need a damn print ad, radio ad, coupon. Show me you can do the simple as well."Level Three: Victoria Weeks AD at BBDO SF.
"You should put in your book what you want to be hired to do."
All good advice. Now go do it.
Note: These are not direct quotes but summations of conversations I had with these people during the summer.
man, that victoria girl is so photogenic. also, she looks naked.
that last one there looks should i put this....mentally....disabled.
it seems jesse is an equal opportunity advice receiver.
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